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    Wednesday, August 05, 2009


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    Ronald Bader

    As artist's we cringe at the thought of any type of rules or censorship yet a valid question comes to mind. Why are Jewish refugees nude? Their laws forbid them to show their nakedness to others and yet we have this sculpture having three naked people. If they are refugees wouldn't it have been an even stronger statement to have them dressed in clothing more in the vein of refugees? My problem with artistic license is that we do what we want to do and everything else be damned and sometimes we bring the ire of others down on ourselves just because we can rather than to make a better, stronger statement.

    W.L. Flohr

    And what's the percentage of middle schoolers having or experimenting with SEX. Are they dramatized by what they see everyday in magazines and/or on their parents TV set??? Get over it people. Better not take them into a 7-11 store where hey can see far more on the magazine rack...

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